How to prevent discoloring of cut fruits and vegetables

How to prevent discoloring of cut fruits and vegetables

In order to prevent the discoloration of cut fruits and vegetables you may practice one of the following methods:

Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on the cut portions of fruit or vegetable.

Submerge the fruit or vegetable into acidulated water, that is to say, water with lemon juice.
 This method is quite efficient for about an hour.

Submerge the fruit or vegetable into a ascorbic acid –water solution.
 Ascorbic acid is present in vitamin C, so all you have to do is dissolve a vitamin C tablet in water. This method is quite effective, even for longer periods of time. However, fruits and vegetables can start losing their taste and nutrients if they stay submerged in water for too long, therefore use thiw method in moderation.

Cook them right after cutting them to prevent oxidation.
 When you cook fruits and vegetables, the heat destroys the enzymes that cause oxidation and the resulting discoloration.

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