Favorite Savory Tarts
Type of class

Yiannis Lucacos

In this class we will learn how to make savory tarts, a scrumptious treat for all ages.
The aim of the class is to teach you all you need to know both about the dough and the filling of a savory tart: from the creation to its final serving management and storing.
By executing, with the help of the chef, two different recipes for classic savory tarts, you will master the method used for many more similar creations that will follow your appetite and your imagination.
With us you will learn:
• How to make the dough for savory tarts
• How to line the appropriate tin with the dough
• How to bake the tart dough
• The correct technique for making fillings for savory tarts
• How to bake the tart evenly
• How to preserve tart dough for future use
Seminars Form Application of interest
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Your participation in this class, if places are available, will be finalized following the timely payment of the fees.