Seasonality is very important when it comes to consuming fish and seafood.
Below is a detailed list of fish/seafood seasonality:
Lobster: October to May
Shrimps: October to May
Sole: October to May
Scampi: October to May
Calamari: October to May
Mullet: October to May
Red snapper: October to May
Red mullet: October to May
Bonito: October to May
Scorpion fish: October to May
Goldblotch grouper: October to May
Octopi: October to May
Sea bream: End of December to February
Grouper: End of December to February
Dorado: End of December to February
Blackfish: End of December to February
Anchovy: Summer fish, from 1st June
Sardine: Summer fish, from 1st June
Horse mackerel: Summer fish, from 1st June
Mackerel: Summer fish, from 1st June
Tunny: Summer fish, from 1st June
Clams, cockles, oysters, urchins, scallops : From February to May.
Per Month
• January
Sea bass, bogue, dorado, sargo, red mullet, grouper, sole, pandora, blackfish, scorpion fish, sea bream, whitebait, wrasse, calamari, octopus, oysters, mussels.
• February
Dorado, sargo, red mullet, pike, sole, bogue, pandora, bonito, horse mackerel, scorpion fish, goldblotch grouper, sea bream, grouper, whitebait, wrasse, octopus, shrimps, crayfish, calamari, mussels, oysters.
• March
Sea bream, grouper, European anchovy, pandora, dorado, sargo, octopus, red mullet, bonito, two-banded bream, goldblotch grouper, blackfish, eel.
• April
Dorado, sargo, red mullet, gildhead, sandsmelt, tope, European anchovy, seapike, red mullet, pike, pandora, bonito, sardine, horse-mackerel, scorpion fish, common mackerel, sae bream, grouper, tuna, pagrus, two-banded bream, goldblotch grouper, blackfish, eel, octopus, shrimp, crayfish, calamari, mussels, oysters, lobster.
• May
Dorado, sargo, octopus, red mullet, black bream, lobster, sandsmelt, tope, shrimp, European anchovy, bogue, seapike, calamari, chub mackerel, red mullet, pandora, tunny, saddled bream, mussels, swordfish, sardine, horse-mackerel, common mackerel, sea bream, grouper, tuna, pagrus, bonito, two-banded bream, blackfish, eel.
• June
Sardines, chub mackerel, common mackerel, sea cod, horse-mackerel, lobster, shrimp, European anchovy, bogue, saddled bream, red mullet, mussels, swordfish, blackfish, tuna, cuttlefish, pagrus, salpa, sea bream.
• July
Sardines, European anchovy, chub mackerel, common mackerel, sea cod, lobster, shrimp, bogue, tunny, saddled bream, mussels, swordfish, horse-mackerel, cuttlefish, tuna, blackfish, salpa, sea bream.
• August
Sardines, European anchovy, chub mackerel, common mackerel, sea cod, shrimp, lobster, bogue, tunny, saddled bream, swordfish, horse-mackerel, tuna, pike, salpa, sea bream.
• September
Sea cod, blackspot sea bream , European anchovy, tunny, bogue, saddled bream, chub mackerel, pandora, common mackerel, swordfish, sardine, horse-mackerel, false scad, sae bream.
• October
Dorado, sargo, octopus, red mullet, bonito, false scad, sea bream.
• November
Dorado, sargo, octopus, red mullet, tuna, bonito, false scad, sea bream.
• December
Bogue, dorado, sargo, octopus, red mullet, sole, calamari, pandora, horse-mackerel, oysters, sea bream, grouper, octopus, whitebait, wrasse.