Submitted by roubina on 29 December, 2013

TheSeminarProject hosts hands-on cooking classes by chef Yiannis Lucacos and his distinguished associates.

For those of you who are not aware of the notion of hands-on and have not had a similar experience, prepare for something completely different!

In classes of this type, your participation is practical, which means that you don’t simply watch the chef cooking but you also cook, practicing the techniques he shows and executing the recipes he prepares.

Of course, the results will delight… Cooking alongside a chef cannot but be an entirely useful experience. At TheSeminarProject this experience becomes even more pleasant, creative and collective.

Upon completion of the class, you will have gained new knowledge, discovered new ingredients, acquired the valuable advice and instructions of the chef and, with his help, the create a number of tasty dishes which you will of course enjoy in the dining room

Whether you are an amateur or a sophisticated cook, TheSeminarProject’s hands-on classes can offer you a valuable experience. Enjoy them!

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Give an unexpected gift to your loved ones by letting them experience a cooking class at The Seminar Project, a wonderful meal at Psomi & Alati or Alio restaurant.

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