Bread: What basic ingredients are required?

Bread: What basic ingredients are required?

The basic ingredients for bread are:

  • Flour

The flour used for bread comes from cereals such as wheat, rye, corn and various others but the most common is wheat. Making bread requires hard flour which contains high levels of gluten, a protein which is largely responsible for bread rising correctly.

  • Yeast

Yeast gives bread its flavor and texture. It becomes active under suitable moisture and temperature conditions and releases gases which cause the bread to rise. It is destroyed by the high temperature of the oven. It comes in two basic forms, fresh and powder. 15 grams of fresh yeast correspond to about 7 grams of powder.

  • Salt

Salt is a basic ingredient because without it bread would be completely tasteless. Also, salt helps decelerate the action of the yeast and, as a result, the rising of the bread. This, as a rule, produces bread with a better flavor.

  • Water

Water is the main liquid used in bread production and its ratio is a defining factor for the end result. It is usually added at a temperature slightly higher than that of the human body, around 40°C. Another liquid sometimes used in combination with water is milk, which adds flavor and a soft texture to the bread.

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