Α small, fruit-producing tree native to Europe and Asia. The small, dark red to black colored cherries produced by the tree are acidic and used primarily for cooking. Eating sour cherries fresh is a common practice in the Middle East. However, in other parts of Europe, as well as the United States and Canada, the cherries are too sour for most palates. They are most frequently used in cooking soups and dishes made with pork. When cooked with sugar, their natural acidity is balanced, and the flavor and aroma are brought to the forefront. Many different liqueurs, preserves, drinks, and desserts are made with sour cherries, or sour cherry syrup. Sour cherries contain fewer calories than the sweet varieties, due to their lower sugar content. They are rich in vitamin C, carbohydrates, and water. Sour cherries also include trace amounts of fiber, protein, vitamin A, niacin, calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and vitamins B1 and B2.

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